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Friday, July 30, 2010

Email marketing books

A select list of those books and reports that can help you improve the way you use email to market your products or services.

This blog post answers the question "what books would you recommend on email marketing?"

Email Marketing Benchmark Guide
by MarketingSherpa Review More info and sales site
This annual report has become a kind of numbers bible for email marketers. As well as featuring reams of data on campaign performance, it has lots of practical insights, too, such as heatmaps showing how people view emails.

Email Marketing Best Practices Guide
by Econsultancy Review More info and sales site
This report covers the ten success factors in email marketing, offering practical tips and recommendations on each.

Create Stunning HTML Email
by Mathew Patterson and Sitepoint Review More info and sales site
In-depth look at the book by Mathew Patterson, covering its content, strengths, weaknesses and recommended readership.

The Truth about Email Marketing
by Simms Jenkins Author interview View at Amazon
This 2008 book tackles many useful areas not typically covered by other books in the genre, notably organisational and strategic issues. Written by one of the industry's leading voices.

Successful e-mail marketing strategies: from hunting to farming
by Arthur Middleton Hughes and Arthur Sweetser Full review
This 2009 book goes beyond the basics and covers how customer data is best used to optimize your email marketing and make it future-safe.

Email Marketing by the Numbers
by Chris Baggott View at
Another 2007 release, this discusses the techniques and tactics you can borrow from success stories to boost the bottom line results of your own email marketing efforts. Includes various guest contributions from leading lights in the field.

Email Marketing Kit
by Jeanne Jennings Review More info and sales site
I would consider this the definitive guide to email marketing. A practical guidebook and CD flush with examples, templates, spreadsheets and checklists. Put together by one of the industry's most experienced practitioners and consultants. Pricey though.

Sign me up!
by Matt Blumberg, Tami Forman, Stephanie A. Miller View at
The big flurry of email marketing books came at the turn of the century. Since then, few have bothered to keep up with the changing landscape, but "Sign Me Up!" is an exception. Updated and republished in mid-2006, it's written by a team from one of the major players in the world of deliverability: vendor Return Path.

According to the main author, the intention was to help marketers consider how best to use email for growing their business and sales and to offer them practical tips "...they could implement across a number of critical elements of their email programs."

The Quiet Revolution in Email Marketing
by Bill Nussey View at
Nussey is one of the industry's more thoughtful personalities and CEO of email marketing services company Silverpop. He covers email marketing from a strategic brand and customer communication viewpoint, moving well beyond the idea of email as campaign blasts. Includes numerous case studies from top companies such as Staples, CNN and Lands' End.

The Secrets of Mouthwatering Marketing Copy
by Marcia Yudkin Detailed review
Yudkins's text is an excellent guide to getting core parts of your copywriting sorted...particularly the offer, features and benefits.


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